Monday, March 23, 2009

day 7643. or is it just 10?

I'm posting this from my crackberry in bed even though my computer is about 10 feet away right now. Yea, I'm just that lazy.

I once had to write about my hero in a high school essay. I wrote about Oprah. In my defense, this was pre-crazy Oprah.

Current heroes? No one person in particular. So many people inspire me and support me unconditionally every day. My parents are at the top of the list, giving more and more every day and always letting us know how proud they are of our accomplishments, no matter how small. (For the record, we're proud to be your kids, too.) That goes for all of my siblings too. Being the youngest, I do look up to them all the time. I might be the odd man out by not going into law or medicine, but I've never had to wonder if my family supported me.

I might be a seasoned texter, but my thumbs are starting to cramp. 'Night, all.

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