Sunday, March 15, 2009

day 2

I have a presentation tomorrow that I’m working on, but I thought I’d take a quick break to blog. Plus I’m cutting things pretty close, I don’t want to be a BufBloPoFo loser on day 2!

I don’t really have one favorite food. I am incredibly lucky to have tried so many amazing foods, but I don’t think I could choose just one. It would not include mushrooms or shellfish, mostly because Mikey loves them so much. Maybe we'd jam out to some Spice Girls in the background. One thing is for sure, it would be at Mom and Dad’s table. Instead of choosing just one meal, I thought I’d list a bunch of my favorites!

Favorite Meal:
Mom’s roasted chicken. Rice with the drippings. Green bean casserole.

Favorite Left-overs:
Meatloaf sandwich on white bread, little bit o’ mayo. Only Mom’s meatloaf though. I’ve never ordered it at a restaurant and the thought of eating it at someone’s house grosses me out.

Favorite Fast Food:
Subway. (does this count as fast food?) Sweet onion, Chicken teriyaki on honey oat. Provolone cheese and sweet onion sauce, nothing else!

Favorite Drunk Food:
This is a toss up. Either a chicken finger sub from Jim’s or waffle fries from ETS. Or McDonald’s. Hm, guess I don’t have a real favorite for this category.

Favorite Hungover Food:
Ramen and a Diet Coke.

Favorite Restaurant Memory:
There are 2. Dad already mentioned the first one here. We still reference than night all the time! The second one was when all the siblings went to NYC to visit Cecilia and we went out for a fancy dinner with lots of wine. I was not very mature, apparently, and stuck a leaf from the plant on the table in my front teeth. I proceeded to smile at our waiter every time he came to the table. Ah, memories.

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