Monday, December 10, 2007

Checking In

Hi! I'm still alive! I have nothing too exciting to share, just some random stuff.
  • Leah's was much cuter, but this was a good way for my roommates to procrastinate!
  • So, my GRE scores sucked... but my advisor is telling me not to retake them. He said I'm putting too much emphasis on these grades and that grad schools don't put as much importance on them as I think. Statistically, my chances of doing way better are pretty low. And since my verbal grade wasn't horrible, there's a chance that I could actually lower my score. He told me to focus on making my applications (mostly my personal statement) perfect and to stop freaking out. So, what do you think? Any advice?
  • I have my hardest exam tomorrow. Then 3 papers due by Friday.
  • I didn't get any good pictures of my outfit at the holiday sweater party, but maybe you'll be lucky enough to see it in person.

I'll let you know if I survive the rest of the week!

1 comment:

Papa said...

All exams are sucky smelly pieces of crap. You are such an awesome student, among so many other things, that you probably can stop freaking out. Do well the rest of the week, and I'll see you on Friday.