Monday, August 11, 2008

i carried a watermelon

You know those kind of movies that you can recite every line by heart? The ones that you can watch over and over and never get sick of it? That's how Dirty Dancing is for me. After my surgery it seems like it was on every movie channel. And I watched it every time. In high school, my friend and I learned some of the dances... so not only can I recite the lines for you, but I can do it while busting a move. This weekend I took my nerdiness to a new low...
I saw it live in Toronto.

I didn't have high expectations because it's like turing a book into a movie, the original is always better. Pretty bad acting, really good dancing (and it was indeed dirty) and okay singing. It was very entertaining though. It was pretty much exactly like the movie with a few added scenes. There were 2 older couples sitting behind us talking before the play started. This was what I heard:

Old Lady 1: Have you ever seen the movie Dirty Dancing?
Old Lady 2: It's a movie?! No, I've never seen it, who's in it?
(me: WHA!?!?)
OL1: Oh I don't know, I've never seen it either. I think John Travolta.
(No. nonono. Who ARE you people?)
OL2: What is the story about?
(um, let's see here. abortion. scandalous love affair between a girl, just out of high school, and an older dancer. girl loses all of her childhood innocence with one look into his hungry eyes (ha! get it?). all on summer vaca with the fam. don't worry old ladies, you'll love it.)
OL1: I'm not sure. It's a love story I think.
( how have you never seen this CLASSIC? these women are in for quite a surprise.) OL2: (reading through the program) Oh! The play was made after the movie?
(oh my lord. i give up.)

They were very quiet during intermission.

We went shopping on Saturday morning and impressed ourselves with how fast we got through the whole mall. I showed incredible restraint and only bought a pair of shoes and a shirt (and a very over priced Dirty Dancing t-shirt later on...) While we were there we saw a man wearing an interesting outfit...

I think we need a family girls trip to Toronto to see it together... who's in?

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